S.S. AGAR (MODIFIED) is a highly selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella spp. and some species of Shigella from clinical
specimens and food
Peptone 5.5
Meat Extract 5.0
Lactose 10.0
Sodium Tiosulfate 8.5
Yeast Extract 5.0
Sodium Citrate 1.0
Bile Salts N.3 1.5
Ferric Ammonium Citrate 1.5
Brilliant Green 0.33 mg
Neutral Red 0.025
Agar 14.0
Final pH 7.0 ± 0.2
Storage 10-30°C away from light
Appearance free-flowing, homogeneous
Colour light-pink
Shelf-life 4 years
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